What makes a good undergraduate (or Masters) thesis?


Here’s something that few students realize, and even fewer believe: your lecturers and professors actually want you to do well! I gave this advice to the final year undergraduates in October, and now they’ve handed in I thought it might be valuable to share it more widely. Note that they are in no particular order and I’m not talking about specific projects.

1)     Do not annoy the people marking your thesis.

Most of my advice comes back to this point! Remember that most people marking your thesis will be marking a lot in a very short time (although this varies among institutions and subjects). Therefore if you make this as easy for them as possible you’re more likely to get a good grade.

2) Read the marking scheme carefully.

For example, there’s no point in listing every single thing you did if there’s no effort mark. See point 3.

3)     Be concise.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, having to read a 10,000 words (or more) monster thesis is going to make your marker grumpy before they even open it, especially with 5-10 theses to mark each year. You won’t be marked down for that (though most places have penalties for going over the word count), but you may find the marker more likely to notice other problems (see point 1).

Secondly, and more importantly, a long thesis usually indicates a lack of understanding of the really interesting findings of your research. Almost anyone can collect data from the lab, field or the literature and then go away and analyse it in every way possible. However, it’s a real skill to pick out the key results and discard the extraneous information. All of the best theses I’ve seen have been short (though I’ve also seen some terrible short theses!). They have an introduction that concisely builds towards their aims/questions, clear predictions, methods and results describing succinctly what they did to answer their questions and whether their predictions were met, and then a careful discussion of how their results fit into the wider literature. Showing every single thing you did is NOT going to get you more marks (see point 2).

People have a horrible habit of writing too much in the introduction. Think very carefully about what the reader needs to know to understand your questions. If you’re working on tortoises in Ireland in field site X, does the reader need to know what a tortoise is? No. Do they need to know where Ireland is? Not really. Do they need to know where your study site (field X) is? Not really, unless you only want to apply your results to field X or if field X is really special or weird. They may need to know the species of tortoise or the climatic conditions at your site but that shouldn’t take more than a sentence.

4) Presentation is really important.

I sometimes joke that you can work out the class (1st, 2.1, 2.2, 3) of a thesis just by looking at how it’s presented, particularly the reference section. However, there’s a lot a truth to this. If you take care on the presentation, it usually means other aspects will also be good. Part of this is a time management issue. I know it’s difficult but if you can complete your thesis a few weeks early you will have time to polish the presentation and probably to deal with other minor issues in the thesis. Note that many places give marks for presentation so even if you struggled with some aspects you can pick up a few extra marks just by fixing the typos and formatting your references correctly. Note that this is a great thing to do when your brain is too tired to do any more writing or analyses.

5) Take advantage of people who offer to read drafts.

Chatting about this at coffee the other day we estimated that students who got their supervisors to read a draft of their thesis before handing in got a mark that was around 5% higher than it would have been otherwise. 5% might not seem much in the grand scheme of things, but if you got 66%, 5% extra would get you a 1st… Also take advantage of family and friends for their proof reading services. A great idea would be to do this early and often with your classmates, perhaps reading each other’s work section by section. Again this requires you to have good time management skills – if you want your supervisor to read something make sure you give them AT LEAST a week to read it and AT LEAST a week for you to deal with corrections.

6) Structure is really important.

When writing your thesis imagine you’re telling a story. You start with the background and general area of the study and slowly progress towards the specific questions you are going to address. You then explain your methods, continually referring back to how these methods will answer the questions you want to address. In your results, show how your analyses answered your questions. Finally in the discussion show how your results fit within the published literature and then talk more broadly about what they mean for the subject area. Your questions and aims need to be clear throughout so make sure they are linked together.

7) Be careful with subheadings.

I’m a big fan of subheadings but it’s very easy to overuse them and to use them so you don’t have to link sections together. Even with subheadings, there needs to be some kind of link or the sections become disjointed and your story gets lost. They are ideal for separating major themes in your thesis – for example I always advise my students to have subheadings in the methods section for DATA COLLECTION and ANALYSES.

8) Don’t worry if your final thesis doesn’t match your proposal.

Things change all the time during projects. Perhaps your experiments didn’t work so you had to change them, perhaps there wasn’t enough data for you to test your hypothesis, perhaps you couldn’t catch any of your chosen study animal. Of course these problems are frustrating but they shouldn’t affect your thesis (trust your supervisor, they will help you fix this!). However, when you come to write up make sure that your introduction matches the question you ended up asking, not the question you intended to ask. I know it’s painful to set aside all the work and reading you did for your proposal, but you won’t get credit for irrelevant information (see point 2).

9) Analyses in methods and results

Students often get confused in these sections. As a guideline, although you don’t need to understand the maths, you do need to understand WHY you are doing the analyses you are doing.  Which of your questions are you testing? Why are you using a t test or an ANOVA? Why did you log your variables? In the results explain what the result means biologically – i.e. if you have a significant correlation between body size and shell size in your tortoises write this then give the statistics in brackets afterwards. Check with your supervisor about how to report statistics. Also check published papers! You should have read plenty by this point. Another pitfall to avoid is assuming that really small p values equal really important results. P values tend to get smaller when you have lots of data, so you can get a tiny p value but when you look at a scatter plot the points are all over the place. Instead look at r2 values, a high r2 value shows you how strong the correlation is between your variables (but again be careful as when you have very few data points r2 are likely to be high).

10) So how do I get a 1st class (A) mark?

Again see point 2 and check the marking scheme. However, most institutions will have broadly similar requirements. We want you to show us that you could be a professional scientist and that your thesis could be written up for publication with some extra work. This means we want to see the following: really clear links between your background information, aims, methods, results and discussion, critical evaluation of the methods you employed and the results you obtained (how could you do things differently?), excellent presentation throughout, clear understanding of how your project fits into the bigger picture and the wider literature, and evidence of novelty. Novelty is really hard to understand, but what we’re looking for is evidence that you engaged with the project and really began thinking like a scientist. This may be demonstrated by how you’ve linked your results with those of someone working in a different system or by excellent suggestions for how you’d further your project. We need evidence that you’ve gone above and beyond the advice of your supervisor and things you’ve learned in lectures and thought beyond the narrow confines of your project. It’s hard to explain what I mean, but when I see it I know instantly because I stop thinking of the project as the work of an undergraduate student and start thinking of it as the work of a future peer. Note that everything else must also be of a very high standard, so although you may show evidence of novelty in your discussion, if your presentation is a mess you will not get a 1st.


Natalie Cooper



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